"The first reason for man’s inner slavery is his ignorance, and above all, his ignorance of himself. Without self-knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave, and the plaything of the forces acting upon him. This is why in all ancient teachings the first demand at the beginning of the way to liberation was: ‘Know thyself’." — Gurdjieff
It's time to wake up and awake the ones around you. NOW!
This world we live in has to change - fundamentally!
Maybe you think you are powerless, or it is not your responsibility, or it is too exhausting.
It's your choice.
It is not a matter of persuading the people around you with all means of something what they do not want to see or believe. Just show in your acts, what you long to see in the world.
You may think that the world simply is in such a way as it is. You may think that one can do nothing.
Maybe you do not believe "in the whole nonsense". Now, then you have to lose certainly also nothing, while you get involved in the following:
Make an experiment: Read this one side in such a way as if it is an imagination novel. If you know, thus as if you read a novel and are absolutely impartially compared with the views and imagination of the author to be able to dive completely into the story.
And then give space to the prodigious thought that this no imagination, but reality. And then look around deliberately in your everyday life. Read the newspaper. Look at the news. Look in the shelves of the supermarket in which you make purchases. Hear and perceive what the people around you speak of. Have a look at the school system, the health service. What are the elder people treated like? Do you see playing children and if so what do they play? How do the people whom you meet on the street work on you? Do they look contented, rushed, happily, irritated? Have a look at the stage of the politics - what do these people decide, actually, on? What do they do for the citizens? Look on the big enterprises and how they dismiss after a productive year, many employees because they want to remain competitive? Do you see trees and flowers? Why fruit is more expensive, than Sweets and Chocolate? Why you have 12 pair of shoes? Does it really make no difference to you that you maintain your face with a cream which is made of oil and for which animals were tormented? Hmm....
And now? Do you want to go on with sleeping?
You are free. Still! If now you do not become deliberate, you will be a slave. To preserve your freedom, you must fight for it. The world in which we live will become more and more a prison if you go on sleeping. It is not a matter of fighting against something - this would be a wasted energy. It goes of fighting for it for something. Fights for your and our all freedom.
Open your eyes, your heart, your consciousness. Take over responsibility.
Wake up! Now you must wake up. We need you. Awake others, too.