To be yourself, is all that you can do...and need to!
Find out who you are. Don't be afraid. Be honest! Really honest! You may not always like what you see, because it hurts, because it makes you very angry, because it dissapoints you.
Maybe there are things to discover, you don't want to know, because you feel ashamed about yourself, you feel weak and maybe you think, that there are some parts of you, which are totally unloveable - but dare to look!
The thing is: You are worth it! Forgive yourself! That's not always that easy, but it's worthy!
Start to be compassionate with yourself. Just be compassionate with yourself like you are with the people you love.
The main thing is:
Accept yourself just as you are - completely!
Until then there is no change possible. If you deny parts of yourself, they will always find ways to come around with a mask - because
They. Belong. To. You.
Accept them, begin to love them.
And then see your beauty, your potential, your abilities
Love yourself! Truely love yourself!